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MArc MAron is angry and a great podcaster! WTF changed my life a bit. His comedy not so much.

Marc is a great guy, I love his podcast but i really don’t appreciate his stand up shows.

There is some deep truth inside but it doesn’t make me laugh. It made me think right. But i don’t laugh and it’s a comedy show. It’s not a lecture about life of a grumpy 50 year old.

Fascinating to see this dude and his human struggle, the man whom podcast I’ve been listenning for the last 6 years. I’d say in 2014 or 2015 I openned the stand up comedy pandora box with his comedians interviews on WTF and then I didn’t stop listenning and watching stand up comedy until I started it in London in 2018 at the Angel COmedy Club.
Even on the podcast, the intro i always pass when he is ranting about stuff… I’m like ok we get it Marc you have nevrosis and you are angry about stuff today but i’m here to listen to the interview with Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio… Great episode by the way when Marc struggles with his recorder and the audio seems to have problems in front of 2 of the biggest movie stars in Hollywood.

Well now I’ve seen End Times Fun and this special I liked.

So MArc became better at comedy I guess and I don’t only like his podcast, but let’s say I love Marc for What the F*** not the comedy.

Congrats on the amazing work man and wish you the best with life.



And we're all.

And we’re all

completely fucked up,

and all completely sad.

And we’re all completely

anxious and all very lonely.

But we’re all be fine in the end,

if only we find the

courage to go outside.

Carol by Todd Haynes

What if you knew love in the first and last look ?
When there is love, only eyes talk.
Carol tells how difficult it was to simple be at a certain time.

Netflix, humoristes du monde : NICK SWARDSON : TOO MANY SMELLS, un bijou.

Coup de coeur pour le special de Nick Swardson sur Netflix, j’ai ri, seul, pour de vrai. C’est rare.

Je veux pas faire le connard mais si je rie à haute voix à du stand up, qui plus est à un special que je regarde sur l’ordi, alors je considère que c’est de l’or.

Et là j’ai beaucoup ri en 30 minutes... Un excellent show

Note : 8,5/10 

Et je tape après son nom sur google et réalise qu’il s’agit de l’acteur qui joue Terry dans Reno 911, l’un des personnages les plus drôles de la série :

Toujours arqué sur des patins à roulettes, il joue un homosexuel qui a tendance à vendre ses services et sa bouche un peu partout autour de la ville et nie en bloc toute accusation avant de tenter en vain de fuir en mini short et patins à roulettes. Best of

Merci Terry, merci Nick, what a grat fucking special ! 

PS : J’ai du appuyer sur pause à la fin de ce special tellement je rais.
Sur pause les gens ! Sur Pause…
Un bijou. 


Greatest special I’ve seen on Netflix Comedians of the world yet.


Louis C.K. - One night in Paris, how the french don't care if you're a pig

…‘cause we’re all made of dirt.


Last week, an historical event happened in Paris.
Dimanche 21 Avril 2019, I went to see Louis C.K. at L’Européen.

As a stand-up aficionado I was so mad at myself for missing the first time C.K. was in Paris in November last year. I just came back from 2 years in London, where I started comedy, and I was going to open mics, performing in french, thinking I was “IN”. But I wasn’t, as the next day after his “under the radar” show, I saw on social media that C.K. did a gig in MY city, the one I came back to, without telling me… I was raging for having missed that opportunity to see the guy who lit comedy fire to my generation.

Notre-Dame could burn, I didn’t care that much, whereas missing Louis in France felt like a hard one, especially when comedy is your religion and Louis your second name.

So here we are, second chance, I got my ticket, I meet some fellow french comedians and we wait in the queue outside. I sneaked in a can of beer someone gave me, as if to say “here, take care of that”. I hide it in my pocket, show my bag in front of me to the security guy while covering the mischief, and we’re in.

What a night ! This gig was amazing, honest.
I won’t say much about it to keep the mystery but fuck yeah, he still got it and it was superb !
I was moved. Like when I saw Monsieur Fraize at the same place a week before.
Great comedy doesn’t make me laugh anymore, it moves me. I was thrilled he addressed the whole story, what happened last year, what broke him. He did it raw, honest, brutal, in the first 2 minutes. He killed us all, the vibe was mad. Fire in the room is easy when the audience is already so damn hot though, but still : History.

After a great Joe List warm up, C.K. entered the stage. I rarely seen so much enthusiasm and cheers, like he was a hero, coming back from war. And I smiled inside, thinking how us, the french, as great and shitty people, cowards, cocky and not really liked around the globe, were actually giving a standing ovation to a man accused of masturbating naked in front of women in hotel rooms. Ah ah, that’s a good opener !
I smiled at this idea and cheered as well because fuck you America,
he’s not Harvey Weinstein, he’s funnier.

And don’t get me wrong, I’m on Louis’ side, if there is any.
I’m on Blanche’s side as well when she decides to defend the guy.
I hate America for that prude and soft state of mind they are turning the world into. Everything is too much policed, people can’t agree to disagree, you have to reach consensus all the time and that’s hell.
And the best person to summarise the french point of view on this Louis C.K. thing is, the one and only, my mom.

Here is her view on this whole deal when I told her the story :

- “Ok maman, you have this guy, Louis C.K., he’s the N.1 comedian in the USA, hence, the world.
Then, scandal. Some female comedians say he masturbated in front of them, naked, in an hotel room. He admits. He would say to them to go up in his room to talk about comedy and tadaaa ! The truth broke out last year when his movie just got out, big loss, millions, blacklisted in America. The End… And that’s the guy I saw perform tonight Mom!
- I’m proud of you Renaud. (This part I added but thanks Mom)”

Facing this story, my mom first reaction was a sigh (soupir). She thinks these women knew what to expect, they are adult women, they know what’s happening when told to go up in the room.
What I believe my mom is trying to say is this : we are french, sex is life, part of our culture as well. We are less prude and fake about it. And knowing that, we also know that a naked man masturbating in front of you is not the same as a violent, direct, sexual assault. Let’s not put Louis C.K. and Harvey Weinstein in the same dirty basket.
Both are men, both are pigs, but it’s still different cases.

She is quite close to what Dave Chapelle has to say on this (listen), and I’d say it’s a good take on some of what the french think of these times.

And I tell her YES ! Of course these women knew…
But maybe he also used his power, his status as king of comedy, to have this situation happening. Because they were comedians, and he was the king, they were like both like “Ok, let’s go up".

Of course he is responsible, for abusing of his power, of his status. If Louis C.K. was a non famous 50 year old bald fat dude asking these ladies, they would have said “No way !” but maybebecause he was who he is, they agreed. Thinking of their comedy career and dream.

So when the show ended, and the whole room stood up for a standing ovation, I waited a for a bit, and stayed seated. Just because I couldn’t decide whereas I was comfortable to stand up for someone who used his power to take advantage of a situation and a woman. Didn’t know how to act. But I stood up finally, knowing I am not a saint, nor a devil, just a man who’s ok to accept the mistakes of other and is fine admitting he’s probably as dirty as any other man, but that’s alright as long as I’m not American.

I hope when clapping, the rest of the audience kept their critical mind as well, in order to realise he is not a hero, nor a murderer, just a really funny man who made mistakes.

He’s wrong, he’s a pig, we all are somehow, yes you too.
But he’s also a man, a dad, who doesn’t deserve to have his life destroyed for that.

And these women are victims, of course, but they are also adults, who decided to join another man in his hotel room, for selfish reason, hence their careers if we are real honest here. But celebrity and stardom blurred their mind, like it did with the parents of the kids who used to hang out with Michael Jackson…

I hereby engage, will you marry me?


Amy Schumer : Growing is dope. - (read in ENG & FR)

After not liking Iliza : Elder Millennial (7.2 on imdb), I just loved Amy Schumer: Growing (5.3 on imdb)

This makes no sense with the rest of the IMDB population but I almost prefer it like that.
American people are some of the dumbest on earth so I’ll happily disagree with your comedy tastes. AH !

Amy is amazing in this 2019 special, raw, honest, in love and still the same, that was a really good surprise to me as I’m not an hardcore fan of hers. I just laughed out loud watching this special, which is something I rarely do now that I’ve been watching stand up like a freak for the last 5 years.

GOLD. My score 8/10


Après avoir détesté le special de Iliza Elder Millennial qui obtient 7.2 sur IMDB, je viens de prendre un plaisir fou à mater celui de Amy Schumer Growing qui lui s’en sort avec une note de 5.3 sur IMDB…

ça n’a pas de sense et ne s’aligne pas du tout avec la communauté imdb mais je préfère. Je considère encore les ricains comme les imbéciles du globe. (cf. Donald T à leur tête) donc je suis très heureux d’être en désaccord avec eux. AH !

Amy est incroyable, honnête, brute et toujours la même. Je suis le premier surpris d’avoir adoré car je ne suis pas un fan inconditionnel mais j’avais trouvé sa série Inside Amy S… vraiment bonne.
J’ai ris de vive voix en regardant ce special, chose qui n’arrive que très rarement après avoir passé tellement de temps à mater du Stand Up ces 5 dernières années.

OR. Je donne 8/10



I pinch the screen of my device.

I press it against my head, I sleep with it, I live with it.

It knows all about me and I think I do too.

But it’s just a piece of metal and I never cared for something that much.

That is how much I am.

Comedians in cars getting coffee

I like this show, because I have a fascination for comedy, stand up and the people who make it. 

But this program is frustrating to me. They never go deep in the conversation, each time a good question is asked by Seinfeld, the guest replies with a joke and it’s cut to another scene, shot of the car on the road and on to another question, an easier one. 

I guess it’s how most of them works, a question that is hard to answer, too personal, will be dodged with a joke. 

Great show because of the host and the guests, cars are nice as well, but I don’t really care for cars. 

A big frustration after watching more than 10 episodes, it’s really like a cup of coffee but there is no connection, no deep impact, no digging. It's quick, short and a bit silly, just a catch up.
Maybe Tea would help to settle, meditate and create a conversation, a connection, deeper...  
It’s like Seinfeld is lazy and just wants a nice little chat, no hassle. That’s what we have here, nice little jam sessions with famous funny people, but I miss the juice, the gold, some secrets, confessions, darkness. 

It’s just a stroll in a car… maybe walking would have make people more talkative. 

Try, comedians in parks taking a stroll. 

Demetri Martin, not my kind of guy.

Just saw Demetri Martin's special, Person (2007). 
It's not for me. 
I don't like this "folk-joke" telling with a guitar and an harmonica as a punchline. It's exactly like Steven Wright and I already didn't enjoy A Steven Wright Special.
I respect the writing, the funny ideas, puns and worlds on words, but it doesn't make me laugh, once perhaps the side of my lips twitched, that's about it for a smile. 
Too much poetry, when I want comedy. Nice poetry though...
"I wonder where my jokes goes... (insert guitar, harmonica) after they leave my head, into space..."


I want intimate truth, not your goofy emotional thoughts.
That's cute, don't get me wrong, but I'm not watching comedy for cuteness.
So long Demetri.